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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535343


Introducción: La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es la forma más común de enfermedad degenerativa de motoneurona en la edad adulta y es considerada una enfermedad terminal. Por lo mismo, el accionar del fonoaudiólogo debe considerar el respeto a los principios bioéticos básicos para garantizar una asistencia adecuada. Objetivo: Conocer aquellas consideraciones bioéticas relacionadas al manejo y estudio de personas con ELA para luego brindar una aproximación hacia el quehacer fonoaudiológico. Método: Se efectuó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus y SciELO. Se filtraron artículos publicados desde 2000 hasta junio de 2023 y fueron seleccionados aquellos que abordaban algún componente bioético en población con ELA. Resultados: Aspectos relacionados al uso del consentimiento informado y a la toma de decisiones compartidas destacaron como elementos esenciales para apoyar la autonomía de las personas. Conclusión: Una correcta comunicación y una toma de decisiones compartida son claves para respetar la autonomía de las personas. A su vez, la estandarización de procedimientos mediante la investigación clínica permitirá aportar al cumplimiento de los principios bioéticos de beneficencia y no maleficencia, indispensables para la práctica profesional.

Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common form of degenerative motor neuron disease in adulthood and is considered a terminal disease. For this reason, the actions of the speech therapist must consider respect for basic bioethical principles to guarantee adequate assistance. Objective: To know those bioethical considerations related to the management and study of people with ALS to then provide an approach to speech therapy. Methodology: A bibliographic search was carried out in the PubMed, Scopus, and SciELO databases. Articles published from 2000 to June 2023 were filtered and those that addressed a bioethical component in the population with ALS were selected. Results: Aspects related to the use of informed consent and shared decision-making stood out as essential elements to support people's autonomy. Conclusion: Proper communication and shared decision-making are key to respecting people's autonomy. In turn, the standardization of procedures through clinical research will contribute to compliance with the bioethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, essential for professional practice.

Front Bioeng Biotechnol ; 12: 1370403, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558789


The awareness concerning RNA-based therapies was boosted significantly after the successful development of COVID-19 vaccines. However, they can potentially lead to significant advances in other areas of medicine, such as oncology or chronic diseases. In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the number of RNA-based therapies that were evaluated as potential treatments for cardiovascular disorders. One of the areas that was not explicitly assessed about these therapies is represented by their overall ethical framework. Some studies evaluate ethical issues of RNA-based treatments in general or targeting specific disorders (especially neurodegenerative) or interventions for developing RNA-based vaccines. Much less information is available regarding the ethical issues associated with developing these therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disorders, which is the main aim of this study. We will focus our analysis on three main topics: risk-benefit analysis (including the management of public awareness about these technologies), and justice (in both research and clinical medicine).

World J Surg ; 2024 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38557980


Biliary atresia is a progressive cholangiopathy in neonates, which often results in liver failure. In high-income countries, initial treatment requires prompt diagnosis followed by Kasai portoenterostomy. For those with a late diagnosis, or those in whom Kasai portoenterostomy fails, liver transplantation is the only lifesaving treatment. Unfortunately, in low- and middle-income countries, timely diagnosis is a challenge and liver transplantation is rarely accessible. Here, we discuss the ethical dilemmas surrounding treatment of babies with biliary atresia in Uganda. Issues that require careful consideration include: risk of catastrophic health expenditure to families, ethical dilemmas of transplant tourism, medical risks of maintaining the transplant in a low-resourced health system, and difficult decisions encountered by the surgeon caring for these patients. Four distinct models of the patient-physician relationship are applied to biliary atresia in Uganda. These models describe differences in patient and physician roles, and patient values and autonomy. Solid organ transplantation is a rapidly evolving segment of healthcare in Uganda and ongoing policy advancements may shift ethical considerations in the future.

Gac Med Mex ; 2024 Apr 08.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38588533


Background: Non-therapeutic hysterectomy in girls and adolescents with intellectual disability (ID) is an acceptable practice, even when there is a lack of prescriptive ethical reason. Objectives: To determine the magnitude of the practice of hysterectomy in girls and adolescents with ID, and explore the emic factors associated with this procedure. Material and methods: Multicenter, intersectoral study with a mixed methods design. Results: The quantitative results showed that 50 of 234 reported hysterectomies corresponded to females with ID. Average age at the time of surgery was 15 ± 2.9 years. Prophylactic abdominal hysterectomy was the most common procedure, and the justifications for it were "fertility control", "menstrual hygiene management", and "risk of sexual abuse". A qualitative analysis of 15 focus groups revealed that parents' main concern was how to manage their daughters' index disease and reproductive health; they perceived menstruation positively; they expressed their fear of dying and leaving them without support, and emphasized fertility control; none of them approved hysterectomy. Conclusions: The bodies that define health policies need to create a new philosophy that avoids the reductionist approach of current biomedical model, which separates (in the health-disease process) our interdependence with other humans.

Antecedentes: La histerectomía no terapéutica en niñas y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual (DI) es una práctica aceptable, aun cuando se carece de razón ética prescriptiva. Objetivos: Determinar la magnitud de la práctica de la histerectomía en niñas y adolescentes con DI, y explorar los factores emic asociados a esta práctica. Material y métodos: Estudio multicéntrico e intersectorial con método mixto. Resultados: Los resultados cuantitativos mostraron que 50 de 234 histerectomías reportadas correspondieron a mujeres con DI. El promedio de edad a la cirugía fue de 15 ± 2.9 años. La histerectomía abdominal profiláctica fue el procedimiento predominante y las justificaciones fueron control de fertilidad, manejo de la higiene menstrual y riesgo de abuso sexual. El análisis cualitativo de 15 grupos focales reveló que la principal preocupación de los padres fue cómo manejar la enfermedad índice y la salud reproductiva de sus hijas; percibieron positivamente la menstruación, expresaron su miedo a morir y dejarlas sin ayuda, resaltaron el control de la fertilidad y ninguno aprobó la histerectomía. Conclusiones: Los organismos que definen políticas de salud necesitan crear una nueva filosofía que evite el enfoque reduccionista del actual modelo biomédico, el cual separa (en el proceso salud-enfermedad) la interdependencia entre los seres humanos.

J Hand Surg Am ; 2024 Apr 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38639682


The importance of informed consent and the value of shared decision-making in hand surgery are well-established and particularly critical in the setting of digit amputation when considering replantation. Informed consent requires an understanding of not only the immediate and long-term risks and benefits of surgery, as well as the risks and alternatives involved, but also the capacity of the patient to make a medical decision. However, patients who have acutely sustained a disfiguring trauma are often in distress and may not fully process the consent discussion. Digit replantation is an "elective emergency"-the decision must be made immediately but is not lifesaving-which poses a difficult dilemma: are surgeons acting in patients' best interests by pursuing replantation if we engage those patients in informed consent discussions when they may not have capacity? This article explores the relevant bioethical principles associated with digit replantation, summarizes updated literature regarding informed consent and shared decision-making, and provides recommendations for patient education materials to standardize informed consent discussions for surgeons approaching patients at this unique intersection of considering revision amputation versus replantation.

Strahlenther Onkol ; 2024 Apr 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38652131


This preliminary ethical appraisal from the consortium is meant to raise critical points that clinicians administering stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation should consider to meet the highest standards in medical ethics and thus promote quality of life of patients recruited for radiotherapy treatments at a stage in which they experience a significant degree of vulnerability.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550632


La complejidad ética en la práctica deportiva tiene diversas perspectivas que generan dilemas al aplicar principios universales, en un entorno competitivo en constante evolución y con avances tecnológicos, sociales y culturales necesarios, para establecer un marco ético coherente y aplicable en el ámbito del deporte. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en analizar las perspectivas y enfoques éticos-deportivos presentes en la bioética aplicada a la práctica deportiva, con el fin de comprender los dilemas éticos emergentes y las tendencias actuales en este campo. La investigación fue de tipo teórica, a través de una revisión documental, en la que se siguieron los pasos de búsqueda y selección de artículos científicos; se extrajo información validada de bases de datos académicos, se organizaron sistemáticamente los hallazgos y finalmente se realizó una síntesis narrativa. La diversidad de enfoques ético-deportivos subraya la necesidad constante de equilibrar la competitividad con los valores fundamentales, de cómo el deporte enfrenta dilemas que requieren un equilibrio entre la búsqueda de la excelencia deportiva y el respeto por la integridad, equidad y diversidad; lo que desafía, a todos los actores, a promover un entorno deportivo más inclusivo. Se concluyó que el deporte evalúa múltiples dimensiones, incluidos la ética deontológica, la equidad para atletas y la virtud; se destacó la importancia de normativas para proteger la integridad, promover un ambiente ético y abordar los desafíos, en la competencia y tecnología deportivas emergentes.

A complexidade ética na prática do esporte tem diversas perspectivas que geram dilemas ao aplicar princípios universais, em um ambiente competitivo em constante evolução e com os avanços tecnológicos, sociais e culturais necessários para estabelecer uma estrutura ética coerente e aplicável no campo do esporte. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar as perspectivas e abordagens ético-esportivas presentes na bioética aplicada ao esporte, a fim de compreender os dilemas éticos emergentes e as tendências atuais nesse campo. A pesquisa foi de natureza teórica, por meio de uma revisão documental, na qual foram seguidas as etapas de busca e seleção de artigos científicos; informações validadas foram extraídas de bancos de dados acadêmicos, as descobertas foram sistematicamente organizadas e, por fim, foi realizada uma síntese narrativa. A diversidade de abordagens éticas no esporte destaca a necessidade constante de equilibrar a competitividade com os valores fundamentais, como o esporte enfrenta dilemas que exigem um equilíbrio entre a busca da excelência esportiva e o respeito à integridade, equidade e diversidade, e desafia todos os atores a promover um ambiente esportivo mais inclusivo. Concluiu-se que o esporte avalia várias dimensões, inclusive a ética deontológica, a equidade para os atletas e a virtude; destacou-se a importância das regulamentações para proteger a integridade, promover um ambiente ético e enfrentar os desafios das competições e tecnologias esportivas emergentes.

The ethical complexity in sports practice has diverse perspectives that generate dilemmas when applying universal principles, in a competitive environment in constant evolution and with technological, social and cultural advances necessary, to establish a coherent and applicable ethical framework in the field of sports. The objective of this research was to analyze the ethical-sports perspectives and approaches present in bioethics applied to sports practice, in order to understand the emerging ethical dilemmas and current trends in this field. The research was theoretical, through a documentary review, in which the steps of searching and selecting scientific articles were followed; validated information was extracted from academic databases, the findings were systematically organized and finally a narrative synthesis was carried out. The diversity of ethical-sports approaches highlights the constant need to balance competitiveness with fundamental values, of how sport faces dilemmas that require a balance between the pursuit of sporting excellence and respect for integrity, equity and diversity; which challenges all actors to promote a more inclusive sports environment. It was concluded that sport evaluates multiple dimensions, including deontological ethics, equity for athletes and virtue; the importance of regulations to protect integrity, promote an ethical environment and address challenges in emerging sports competition and technology was highlighted.

Health Sci Rep ; 7(3): e1978, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38515545


Background and Aims: Euthanasia is a controversial issue related to the right to die. Although euthanasia is mostly requested by terminally sick individuals, even in societies where it is legal, it is unclear what medical conditions lead to euthanasia requests. In this scoping review, we aimed to compile medical conditions for which euthanasia has been requested or performed around the world. Methods: The review was preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist. Retrieved search results were screened and unrelated documents were excluded. Data on reasons for conducting or requesting euthanasia along with the study type, setting, and publication year were extracted from documents. Human development index and euthanasia legality were also extracted. Major medical fields were used to categorize reported reasons. Group discussions were conducted if needed for this categorization. An electronic search was undertaken in MEDLINE through PubMed for published documents covering the years January 2000 to September 2022. Results: Out of 3323 records, a total of 197 papers were included. The most common medical conditions in euthanasia requests are cancer in a terminal phase (45.4%), Alzheimer's disease and dementia (19.8%), constant unbearable physical or mental suffering (19.8%), treatment-resistant mood disorders (12.2%), and advanced cardiovascular disorders (12.2%). Conclusion: Reasons for euthanasia are mostly linked to chronic or terminal physical conditions. Psychiatric disorders also lead to a substantial proportion of euthanasia requests. This review can help to identify the features shared by conditions that lead to performing or requesting euthanasia.

Semin Plast Surg ; 38(1): 74-80, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38495066


Research is an integral part of medical progress that leads to better understanding of disease processes and the development of therapies to improve patient care. The medical community has an obligation and societal responsibility to review its practices and advance its knowledge to optimize care for those who entrust it with their health and well-being. While ultimately intended to benefit patients specifically and society as a whole, every laboratory and clinical investigation inherently carries an element of uncertainty and has attendant risks. These can have unintended and, at times, harmful consequences that cannot justify the knowledge gained. In order to mitigate these risks and protect human subjects involved in clinical research studies, a basic framework of ethical principles has been developed to guide responsible experimental design, execution, and data dissemination. This article provides a review of these principles and the historical context from which they were derived and explores the persistent challenges and cognitive biases that can increase susceptibility to unethical research practices.

J Relig Health ; 63(2): 853-856, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38430383


This issue of JORH considers the 'good, the bad and the ugly' of tribal or traditional healers, as well as articles relating to ethical challenges due to contemporary medicine and environmental issues. The concluding series on suicide (Part 2) is also finalized in this issue, as well as a number of research articles from multiple countries relating to cancer. Similar to previous issues, JORH once again adds to its increasing collection of articles relating to the empirical measurement of religion, spirituality and health. Readers are also reminded of the European Congress on Religion, Spirituality and Health (ECRSH) (Salzburg, Austria, May 2024), as well as the inaugural International Moral Injury and Wellbeing Conference (IMIWC) (Brisbane, Australia, September 2024).

Neoplasias , Terapias Espirituais , Suicídio , Humanos , Espiritualidade , Religião
Front Pediatr ; 12: 1386784, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38468872


[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fped.2022.1049661.].

Cureus ; 16(2): e54772, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38405642


Contrasting ethical and legal arguments have been made concerning neonatal male circumcision (NMC) that merit the first systematic review on this topic. We performed PRISMA-compliant keyword searches of PubMed, EMBASE, SCOPUS, LexisNexis, and other databases and identified 61 articles that met the inclusion criteria. In the bibliographies of these articles, we identified 58 more relevant articles and 28 internet items. We found high-quality evidence that NMC is a low-risk procedure that provides immediate and lifetime medical and health benefits and only rarely leads to later adverse effects on sexual function or pleasure. Given this evidence, we conclude that discouraging or denying NMC is unethical from the perspective of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which emphasizes the right to health. Further, case law supports the legality of NMC. We found, conversely, that the ethical arguments against NMC rely on distortions of the medical evidence. Thus, NMC, by experienced operators using available safety precautions, appears to be both legal and ethical. Consistent with this conclusion, all of the evidence-based pediatric policies that we reviewed describe NMC as low-risk and beneficial to public health. We calculated that a reduction in NMC in the United States from 80% to 10% would substantially increase the cases of adverse medical conditions. The present findings thus support the evidence-based NMC policy statements and are inconsistent with the non-evidence-based policies that discourage NMC. On balance, the arguments and evidence reviewed here indicate that NMC is a medically beneficial and ethical public health intervention early in life because it reduces suffering, deaths, cases, and costs of treating adverse medical conditions throughout the lifetimes of circumcised individuals.

Cancer Med ; 2024 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38196301


INTRODUCTION: Evidence is limited on preferences of Japanese patients and physicians in treatment for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mutant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Several oral or intravenous novel agents for EGFR exon 20 insertions are under development. The aim of our study was to investigate which attributes of novel treatments influenced selection of oral or intravenous agents among treated patients and treating physicians in Japan. METHODS: The study was designed by board-certified oncologists, patient representatives, and analytics specialists. Eligible participants completed an online survey with a discrete choice experiment presenting two treatment profiles described by attributes: mode of administration (oral or intravenous); frequency of administration; overall response rate (ORR); average progression-free survival (PFS); chance of experiencing severe side effects (SEs); mild-moderate gastrointestinal SEs; mild-moderate skin-related SEs; and patient out-of-pocket costs. RESULTS: Fifty-four patients (all self-reported EGFR-mutant) and 74 physicians participated from December 2021 to August 2022. All attributes being equal, there was greater preference for oral administration. However, there was greater preference for intravenous over oral, when ORR and PFS improved by 10% and 1 month, and severe SEs reduced by 10%. Physicians exhibited greater preference for PFS compared to patients (p < 0.01). Ranked order of attribute importance was as follows: (1) PFS; (2) ORR; (3) severe SEs, expressed by patients and physicians alike. CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed Japanese physician and patient preferences in treatment options for EGFR-mutant NSCLC. Compared to the strong preference for a more efficacious drug, the preference of oral versus intravenous revealed a smaller impact.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e230102pt, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536864


Resumo Num cenário epidêmico ainda preocupante, a prevenção da Transmissão Vertical (TV) do HIV impõe problemas complexos, devido as vulnerabilidades individual, social e moral das mulheres vivendo com o vírus, somadas às fragilidades da rede de saúde. A partir de um caso emblemático, este estudo buscou compreender os desafios bioéticos do cuidado para a prevenção da TV do HIV no âmbito do Comitê de Porto Alegre/RS. Os eixos analíticos desenvolvidos refletem sobre como a produção do cuidado se articula, por um lado, com discursos e práticas relacionais pautadas no gênero e interseccionadas por raça e classe social e, por outro, com vulnerabilidades programáticas das políticas de saúde. Vislumbrou-se um processo de extrema estigmatização, em que as poucas ofertas para as mulheres cisgênero se dirigiam à regulação reprodutiva e perpetuavam dinâmicas de violência estrutural. Discute-se caminhos para a construção de um cuidado que incorpore a perspectiva decolonial e busque produzir equidade e justiça social ao reconhecer as trajetórias das mulheres.

Abstract In a still worrying epidemic scenario, the prevention of Vertical Transmission (VT) of HIV poses complex problems, due to the individual, social, and moral vulnerabilities of women living with the virus, in addition to the weaknesses of the health network. Based on an emblematic case, this study sought to understand the bioethical challenges of HIV VT prevention in the scope of the Porto Alegre/RS Committee. The analytical categories developed reflect on how the production of care is articulated, on the one hand, with relational discourses and practices based on gender and intersected by race and social class and, on the other, with programmatic vulnerabilities of health policies. A process of extreme stigmatization was revealed, in which the few offers for cisgender women were aimed toward reproductive regulation and perpetuated dynamics of structural violence. We discuss ways of building care that incorporates a decolonial perspective and seeks to produce equity and social justice by recognizing women's trajectories.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550968


Introducción: La comunicación por parte del logofonoaudiólogo con el paciente afásico y su familia garantiza el bienestar biopsicosocial de estos y favorece una adecuada relación médico-paciente. Objetivo: Evaluar una propuesta de estrategia para el fomento del principio de beneficencia entre el logofonoaudiólogo, el paciente afásico y su familia en el Policlínico Universitario Dr. René Vallejo Ortiz, ciudad de Manzanillo, Granma, Cuba. Método: Fue aplicada la técnica de Iadov o criterio de usuario que permitió evaluar la propuesta. Para ello se encuestaron 15 logofonoaudiólogos de la provincia de Granma, Cuba, se escogieron de manera intencional 10, cuyas cualidades cumplían los requisitos exigidos para ser considerados usuarios. Se utilizaron diferentes métodos, técnicas y procedimientos para procesar y analizar los datos recogidos. La escala valorativa Likert facilitó la interpretación cualitativa de los datos recogidos. Resultados: Desde el criterio individual el 60 % de los usuarios consideró la propuesta bastante adecuada; la valoración más baja fue de adecuada (20 %). El cálculo de la valoración grupal, el índice obtenido (0,5 %) le confirió confiabilidad a la propuesta para ser implementada. Conclusiones: Los usuarios consideran que la propuesta de estrategia cumple con los requisitos para la aplicación. No obstante, existen algunos elementos que pudieran dificultar la ejecución de la misma: la incorrecta preparación científico-metodológica de los facilitadores, el uso inadecuado de los métodos y técnicas educativas, así como la negativa de aquellos logofonoaudiólogos que no concienticen la necesidad de alcanzar modos de actuación acorde a los principios y valores profesionales.

Introduction: Communication by the speech-language pathologist with the aphasic patient and his family guarantees their biopsychosocial well-being and promotes an adequate doctor-patient relationship. Objective: To evaluate a proposed strategy to promote the principle of beneficence between the speech-language pathologist, the aphasic patient and their family at the Policlínico Universitario Dr. René Vallejo Ortiz, Manzanillo city, Granma province, Cuba. Method: The Iadov technique or user criteria was applied that allowed the proposal to be evaluated. For this, 15 speech-language pathologists from the province of Granma, were surveyed; 10 were intentionally chosen, whose qualities met the requirements to be considered users. Different methods, techniques and procedures were used to process and analyze the data collected. The Likert rating scale facilitated the qualitative interpretation of the data collected. Results: From individual criteria, 60% of users considered the proposal quite appropriate; the lowest rating was adequate (20%). The calculation of the group assessment, the index obtained (0.5%) conferred reliability to the proposal to be implemented. Conclusions: Users consider that the strategy proposal meets the requirements for the application. However, there are some elements that could make its execution difficult: the incorrect scientific-methodological preparation of the facilitators, the inappropriate use of educational methods and techniques, as well as the refusal of those speech-language pathologists who do not raise awareness of the need to achieve methods. of action in accordance with professional principles and values.

Introdução: A comunicação do fonoaudiólogo com o paciente afásico e sua família garante o seu bem-estar biopsicossocial e promove uma adequada relação médico-paciente. Objetivo: Avaliar uma proposta de estratégia para promover o princípio da beneficência entre o fonoaudiólogo, o paciente afásico e sua familia na Policlínico Universitario Dr. René Vallejo Ortiz, cidade de Manzanillo, Granma, Cuba. Método: Foi aplicada a técnica de Iadov ou critérios de usuário que permitiram avaliar a proposta. Para isso, foram entrevistados 15 fonoaudiólogos da província de Granma, foram escolhidos 10 intencionalmente, cujas qualidades atendiam aos requisitos para serem considerados usuários. Diferentes métodos, técnicas e procedimentos foram utilizados para processar e analisar os dados coletados. A escala de classificação Likert facilitou a interpretação qualitativa dos dados coletados. Resultados: A partir de critérios individuais, 60% dos usuários consideraram a proposta bastante adequada; a classificação mais baixa foi adequada (20%). No cálculo da avaliação do grupo, o índice obtido (0,5%) conferiu confiabilidade à proposta a ser implementada. Conclusões: Os usuários consideram que a proposta de estratégia atende aos requisitos para aplicação. Porém, existem alguns elementos que podem dificultar sua execução: o incorreto preparo científico-metodológico dos facilitadores, o uso inadequado de métodos e técnicas educativas, bem como a recusa dos fonoaudiólogos que não conscientizam sobre o necessidade de alcançar métodos de ação de acordo com princípios e valores profissionais.

Cancers (Basel) ; 15(24)2023 Dec 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38136403


In the early 2000s, the introduction of single-camera wireless capsule endoscopy (CE) redefined small bowel study. Progress continued with the development of double-camera devices, first for the colon and rectum, and then, for panenteric assessment. Advancements continued with magnetic capsule endoscopy (MCE), particularly when assisted by a robotic arm, designed to enhance gastric evaluation. Indeed, as CE provides full visualization of the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract, a minimally invasive capsule panendoscopy (CPE) could be a feasible alternative, despite its time-consuming nature and learning curve, assuming appropriate bowel cleansing has been carried out. Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in the development of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for CE auxiliary reading (detecting and diagnosing), may provide the missing link in fulfilling the goal of establishing the use of panendoscopy, although prospective studies are still needed to validate these models in actual clinical scenarios. Recent CE advancements will be discussed, focusing on the current evidence on CNN developments, and their real-life implementation potential and associated ethical challenges.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535412


Introducción: La formación en bioética de los epidemiólogos repercute favorablemente en la salud de las comunidades, contribuye a la toma de decisiones éticas y ayuda a promover resultados sanitarios equitativos para todas las poblaciones. Objetivo: Identificar las representaciones sociales (RS) de bioética en estudiantes de la Especialización en Epidemiología de una universidad en Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. Método: Estudio cualitativo desde el enfoque teórico de la antropología cognitiva mediante el análisis procesual, prototípico y estructural de las representaciones sociales, a través de las técnicas asociativas de listado libre y cuestionario de comparación de pares, para consolidar el contenido, la organización y representación gráfica de las RS de 17 estudiantes de especialización en Epidemiología. Resultados: Para los participantes, las RS sobre bioética gira en torno a la ética por la vida y respeto por los derechos humanos en su núcleo central, los aspectos que establecen los elementos periféricos de la representación se constituyen en principios, moral, equidad, respeto y normas. Discusión: Los resultados aquí presentados se discuten a la luz de los avances conceptuales de la ética aplicada, la bioética principialista y la bioética global, en perspectiva de derechos por el respeto a la vida. Conclusiones: las RS de bioética en los epidemiólogos en formación es comprendida de manera amplia como una rama de la ética desde una perspectiva de derechos y de respeto a la vida.

Introduction: Bioethics education for epidemiologists has a favorable impact on the health of communities, contributes to ethical decision making and helps promote equitable health outcomes for all populations. Objective: To identify the social representations (SR) of bioethics in students of the epidemiology specialization of a university in Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. Method: qualitative study from the theoretical approach of cognitive anthropology by means of processual, prototypical and structural analysis of Social Representations through the associative techniques of free listing and peer comparison questionnaire, to consolidate the content, organization and graphic representation of the SRs of 17 students of the specialization in epidemiology. Results: For the participants, SR on Bioethics revolves around ethics for life and respect for human rights in its central core; the aspects that establish the peripheral elements of the representation are constituted by principles, morals, equity, respect and norms. Discussion: The results presented here are discussed in the light of conceptual advances in applied ethics, principlist bioethics and global bioethics in the perspective of rights for the respect of life. Conclusions: SR of bioethics in epidemiologists in training is broadly understood as a branch of ethics from a perspective of rights and respect for life.

Rev. medica electron ; 45(6)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536629


Introducción: La calidad del desempeño profesional determina la resolución de problemas de salud pública como el cáncer colorrectal a través de su pesquisa poblacional, en cuya realización, como en toda práctica médica, surgen dilemas bioéticos. Objetivo: Caracterizar los principales dilemas bioéticos en la realización de la pesquisa poblacional del cáncer colorrectal en la atención primaria. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal en 19 médicos de la familia, seleccionados por muestreo simple aleatorio mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario en proceso de validación a través de criterio de expertos y coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. La variable estudiada fue "dilemas bioéticos en la realización de la pesquisa poblacional del cáncer colorrectal", parametrizada en dos dimensiones: valorativa y cognitiva, con cinco y tres indicadores respectivamente. Resultados: El "dilema por temor a realizarse la colonoscopia" fue considerado el de mayor peso, al ser evaluado por 13 médicos (68,4 %) como Muy Importante. El indicador "conocimiento profesional sobre bioética" fue evaluado por la mayoría de los profesionales dentro de los dos niveles superiores de la escala de Likert: cinco médicos (26,3 %) eligieron la categoría Importante, e igual número la de Muy Importante. Conclusiones: Los principales dilemas bioéticos a que se enfrentan los médicos de la familia en su desempeño profesional durante la realización de la pesquisa poblacional del cáncer colorrectal, están caracterizados por las actitudes que asumen los pacientes en relación con la disyuntiva que presupone la realización de la colonoscopia, con sus potenciales riesgos ante un resultado positivo.

Introduction: The quality of professional performance determines the resolution of public health problems such as colorectal cancer through population screening, in whose implementation, as in every medical practice, bioethical dilemmas arise. Objective: To characterize the main bioethical dilemma in carrying out population screening for colorectal cancer in primary care. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive study in 19 family physicians, selected by simple random sampling, by application of a questionnaire in the process of validation through expert criteria and Cronbach alpha coefficient. The variable studied was "bioethical dilemmas in carrying out population screening for colorectal cancer" parameterized in two dimensions: evaluative and cognitive, with 5 and 3 indicators respectively. Results: The "dilemma for fear of having a colonoscopy" was considered the most important, being evaluated by 13 doctors/68.4% as Very Important; The indicator "professional knowledge about bioethics" was evaluated by the majority of professionals within the two upper levels of the Likert scale, 5 doctors (26.3%) chose the category of Important and an equal number the category of Very Important. Conclusions: The main bioethical dilemmas that family doctors face in their professional performance during population screening for colorectal cancer are characterized by the attitudes that patients assume in relation to the dilemma that presupposes performing colonoscopy with its potential risks to a positive result.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 46(4): 284-287, oct.-dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536645


Resumen: La visión antropocéntrica del ser humano ha llevado a la explotación de animales para satisfacer sus necesidades, tanto primarias (como la alimentación) como secundarias (como el entretenimiento), sin preocuparse por su sufrimiento o bienestar. Sin embargo, las teorías de la evolución de Lamarck y Darwin borraron la dicotomía humano-animal y colocaron al primero como una especie más dentro de toda la diversidad biológica. Hans Jonas afirmó que las diferencias entre los humanos y los otros animales estaban en el grado de complejidad y no en las capacidades, contribuyendo a la idea de una continuidad biológica desde un origen común. La similitud anatomofisiológica, la presencia de mediadores químicos de dolor, los cambios bioquímicos y fisiológicos ante situaciones dolorosas, además de la respuesta favorable al uso de medicamentos analgésicos, demuestran que los demás animales sienten dolor y padecen sufrimiento. La Declaración de Cambridge sobre la consciencia destaca que no es necesario poseer neocórtex para ser considerado como sintiente, lo que ha llevado a analizar esta capacidad, inclusive, en muchos invertebrados. ¿Los animales sienten? Invariablemente la respuesta es sí. Es importante tener consideración de ello para evitar su sufrimiento, tal y como se propone en la teoría sensocéntrica de Peter Singer, en caso contrario, podríamos ser señalados de discriminación, que, por estar asociada a la pertenencia a una especie biológica, se denomina especismo.

Abstract: The anthropocentric view of life has led to the exploitation of animals to satisfy the human needs, primary (such as food) and secondary (such as entertainment), without regard for their suffering or well-being. However, Lamarck's and Darwin's theories of evolution erased the dichotomy between human and animal, placing the former as just another species within the entire biological diversity of life. Hans Jonas asserted that the differences between humans and other animals lie in the degree of complexity and not in capabilities, contributing to the idea of biological continuity from a common origin. The anatomic and physiological similarities, the presence of chemical pain mediators, the biochemical and physiological changes in painful situations, as well as the positive response to the use of analgesic medications, demonstrate that other animals feel pain and suffer. The Cambridge Declaration on consciousness emphasizes that it is not necessary to possess a neocortex to be considered sentient, which has led to the analysis of this capacity even in many invertebrates. Do animals feel? Invariably the answer is yes. It is important to consider this to avoid their suffering, as proposed in Peter Singer's sensocentrism theory. Otherwise, we could be accused of discrimination, which, based on species membership, is called speciesism.

Kinesiologia ; 42(4): 322-327, 20231215.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552552


Introducción. Todo ser humano necesita gozar de bienestar y ser reconocido como un sujeto activo en el desarrollo de la sociedad, por lo que la administración pública debe garantizar, respetar y proteger el derecho a la salud, el cual ha sido transgredido en las últimas décadas, vulnerando a la población a nivel mundial. Objetivo. Fundamentar teórica, metodológica y epistemológicamente la propuesta de un currículo, que desarrolle el pensamiento bioético en el profesional de la Fisioterapia. Métodos. Se sustenta en el paradigma sociocrítico y en la investigación acción educativa, desde la visión de Miguel Martínez-Miguélez, que busca reconceptualizar la indagación en el aula en términos participativos, relacionándolo con las actividades propias del quehacer educativo, como es la construcción y desarrollo del currículo. Resultados. Con el proceso investigativo se construyó ­en colectivo­ la definición del concepto de pensamiento bioético y se diseñó un currículo prácti-senti-pensante para los estudiantes de Fisioterapia, a partir de la pedagogía sentipensante y del paradigma del cerebro triádico (o triúnico) que interrelaciona las acciones, los sentimientos y los conocimientos en la formación humana de los futuros fisioterapeutas. Conclusiones. El currículo práctisentipensante trasciende a una estructura cognitiva trinitaria, resaltando la importancia de entrelazar las disciplinas por la supervivencia del ser humano y el equilibrio del planeta, destacando lo humanístico y la bioética, a través de un currículo que evoca a la reflexión de la comunidad educativa con el fin de articular lo desunido.

Background. Every human being needs to enjoy well-being and be recognized as an active subject in the development of society, so public administration must guarantee, respect and protect the right to health, which has been transgressed in recent decades, violating the population worldwide. Objective. To theoretically, methodologically and epistemologically base the proposal of a curriculum that develops bioethical thinking in the Physiotherapy professional. Methods. It is based on the socio-critical paradigm and educational action research, from the vision of Miguel Martínez-Miguélez, who seeks to reconceptualize inquiry in the classroom in participatory terms, relating it to the activities of educational work, such as construction and development of the curriculum. Results. With the research process, the definition of the concept of bioethical thinking was built ­collectively­ and a practical-senti-thinking curriculum was designed for Physiotherapy students, based on senti-thinking pedagogy and the paradigm of the triadic (or triune) brain that interrelates actions, feelings and knowledge in the human training of future physiotherapists. Conclusion. The practical thinking curriculum transcends a trinitarian cognitive structure, highlighting the importance of interweaving the disciplines for the survival of the human being and the balance of the planet, highlighting the humanistic and bioethics, through a curriculum that evokes the reflection of educational community to articulate the disunited.